Monday, August 19, 2013

Enough is enough PT.1

When do you say when enough is enough? And when do you say no? 

A friend once told me that I must learn to say "No" to things that do not benefit me or is quite unfair to me. Don't get me wrong, I know when things start to get unfair or when people are taking advantage... it's just that, I find it hard to turn a favor down or say No when things get a little out of hand (and by out of hand, I get sucked on something I do not approve of). 

There are many things that I want to say "No" to. 

First things first, shall we? 


I do not mean work per se, I mean, the work given to me. Here's the thing, I work five days a week, and on that days, I do editing of monitoring reports until 9 p.m. On weekends, I stay at home but do editing of monitoring reports until 9 p.m. again. At first, when the bosses talked to me about it, I thought "why not?", copyreading and proofreading, I'm trained for that stuff. Plus, the other girl at the office was going to help me. So I accepted... and we worked out a schedule. It's going to be alternated between the two of us, and on the weekends, I'll do one day, and she'll do the other, Sunday for example. So it was going smoothly on the first day... the bosses did not require me to report at the office since I have to work until 9. Then the next day, I noticed that the other girl was not receiving any messages for editing. Everyone thought that the deal didn't work out, that we will not continue with the set-up. Fine by me, I don't want to stay up 'till 9 anyways. 

The next day, they called me and asked if I was the one who will do the monitoring reports, I was at the office that day. I agreed, maybe there was a lapse on the schedule and they're redoing it, so I edited reports on my home, on our family dinner, and before I went to bed. Saturday came, texts came flooding again so I did the work again... then Sunday, I was expecting that no reports will come to me since I already did my part on Saturday, but boy was I wrong! I still did the work. 

That was only the first phase... let me tell you the other phase... 

When everybody thought that the editing did not work, the boss told us that we are in-charge of doing the briefer every morning. We have to submit it by 6 am. What to do? Boss' orders... that night, I worked on it and passed it to the bosses by 6 am. The next day, Saturday, I was confused whether we're still doing the briefer on weekends but as there were still news about the issue we're handling, I did it and submitted the paper past 10. Nobody seems to be doing it so I did it, I do not want the boss to reprimand us. Then Sunday, I didn't do the briefer, I do not want to get up early on a Sunday. Besides, there are two of us so I was counting that the other girl will do the briefer... so I was doing my thing when suddenly the boss texted and asked who will do the briefer for that day. I said that I already did the briefer for 2 consecutive days, so he said that I tell the other girl that she'll do the briefer Sunday and Monday. I texted her, no response. Then the boss called and asked me to do the briefer instead because the other girl is apparently not picking up, so I did. It was alright at first, then I saw a Facebook post that made me so angry, I restrained myself to text, chat or call her. 

Today, work was suspended due to inclement weather but monitoring reports still flood my phone. The boss asked if the other girl is responding to my messages and I said, yes. He said that he hasn't received a single text from her since Saturday so if I could please do the work (of course he did not say that directly, he just hinted). I did. 

But these monitoring reports are killing me! The other girl is supposed to help me but she is not picking up when the bosses call her. And I couldn't say no. The only thing I want to do is to shout at her because I am freaking tired of doing all the work while she shares and likes pictures on Facebook! 

...The next thing that I couldn't say "No" will be on the next post. :)